Mill Travel was started in 1985 in Houston, Texas, USA by Eddie Gertner. Eddie had a furniture company, American Furniture Rentals and Sales, for almost ten years since he graduated from University of Texas at Austin in 1976 with a degree in business. American was bought by Aaron's Furniture Rental of Atlanta, Georgia, the largest furniture rental company in the industry. After selling American, Eddie traveled extensively as he had been doing all his life and his friends asked him for advice on travel since he had been on numerous cruises and Club Med vacations. He started a travel company as a hobby but his hobby turned into a big business. His idea was to give his clients great advice and the best prices and service. By living by this idea Mill Travel has been Club Med's #1 Top Producer for the last 24 years and is a member of Funjet Vacations, Southwest Vacations, United Vacations and Blue Sky Vacations prestigious "500 Club" for Sales Excellence along with other travel industry awards. Steve Fontenot and Donny Denmark had been working at Club Med in Club Med's reservations department, Steve on the "Preferred Partners Desk" as one of Club Med's top salesmen, and Donny, as an assistant supervisor. In 2005, after hearing Steve and Donny left Club Med, Eddie contacted them since they knew each other in their daily business operations. Mill Travel was getting much larger and Eddie needed help handling everything. SInce then Mill Travel has grown much bigger and has expanded. Mill Travel is proud to say that Donny and Steve are Club Med's #1 and #2 top producing travel agents. Mill Travel has always believed in having great product knowledge, giving the best prices and great service. Mill Travel has booked tens of millions of dollars of travel over the years for their many happy travel clients. Mill Travel handles all travel products and will save you money on everything.

Eddie Gertner. Eddie is the Founder and President of Mill Travel since it's start in 1985. Eddie graduated from University of Texas at Austin in 1976 with a degree in business. His first business was American Furniture Rentals and Sales in Houston, Texas and was bought by Aaron's Furniture Rental of Atlanta, Georgia. Eddie has four children and has been in the travel industry over 39 years. He has been to Club Med over 200 times since 1978 and has been on over 200 cruises.

Steve Fontenot. Steve worked at Club Med in the reservations department on the "Preferred Partners Desk" and was one of Club Med's top ten salesmen. He has been with Mill Travel for the last fifteen years and is Club Med's #2 selling travel agent. He is also an accomplished guitar player.

Donny Denmark. Donny has been with Mill Travel since he left Club Med in 2005. At Club Med he was an assistant supervisor in the reservations department. Donny is Club Med's #1 selling travel agent. Donny is married to his wife of 22 years, Erin, and they have a 18 year old son, Seth.

Susan Meyer. Susan has been in the travel business for over 18 years. Her focus is cruises and tours. Her real love is car trips and travel to national parks in the Southwest, especially Utah and Colorado. She is a native Texan with two daughters, four grand kids and two dogs. She can give plenty of advise on traveling with kids and dogs.

Alan Orkin. Dr. Alan Orkin has pursued both a private medical practice and a full service financial practice in his career. He spends his spare time blogging and traveling the world. Trips to Asia, the Middle East and multiple summers in Europe. He has extensive experience with the major cruise lines. Alan conciders traveling a mental health experience. As a world traveler, Alan frequently writes about his excursions. You can see his blog at